How Your Baby is Growing?
This week your little one turns three months old. Baby development three months is interesting to learn as a lot of exciting things are just around the corner for you and your little one. Your baby mental development is something to ahead to. He is learning new things much faster than you can actually know. Babies can recognize their mothers’ right from the time they are born but it is from this month that they can actually show the signs of recognition by a smile or a sound. Your baby will continue to smile at everyone who looks at him in the eye and tries to talk or play with him. But your baby 3 months old has learnt to differentiate between his parents and others as compared to him at 2 months old. When you talk to him he might give you a smile and a coo to tell you that he knows you. He can now spot you among a crowd and from across the room. Babies this age, love being carried and your touch can soothe him when he is crying.
Baby 3 Months Old – Growth and Development
- Feeding: 3 month old baby diet is still breast milk or formula feeds. Most doctors recommend starting the baby on solids after the age of six months. For the first six months of life, WHO recommends only mother’s milk. Feeding is getting better as each month goes by. By now you have also recognized a pattern that your baby follows as far as feeding times and sleeping is concerned. Baby can now drink milk faster and can latch more effectively. A 3 month old baby eating formula should be taking approximately 90-100 ml per feed.

- Sleep: The sleep schedule for 3 month old baby is improving and he is beginning to sleep for longer stretches during the night and is more awake during the day. Most children begin to sleep better by 3 months but if your little one is not one of them, there is nothing to worry. You must be rest assured that you will be gifted with that long 4 hour night sleep very soon.
- Vision: Your baby 3 months old vision is improving by the day and he can now see longer distances. He is now interested in more complicated shapes and this is the time to bring out colorful crib mobiles. Your baby will raise a hand to bat it but it may not be a coordinated action. He will stare at them and enjoy. These are the normal milestones for a 3 month old baby.
How is Your Life Changing?
Child development 3 months is much quicker than the healing procedure of a mother post delivery.
PPD – Postpartum depression is a very common thing especially in new mothers. If you have the following symptoms that persist till this date, you must see your doctor about it.
- Loss of appetite
- Sleep troubles
- Loss of interest in daily routine activities
- Crying over little matters
- Unexplained fear and anxiety attacks
- Difficulty in concentrating
- Feeling lonely and depressed all the time.
Company of family and friends are the best things to have in the early few months. With the birth of your baby, new relations are born. You will make friends with other moms who have babies around the same age. Your common interests like the baby’s feeding and milestones will be interesting topics of discussion. This will not only help you learn a bit more but will also put a rest to your anxiety as you will see how other moms are coping up.
Begin an exercise regime as you have recovered well by now. Consult a trained physiotherapist about the exercises that you need to do in order to get back into shape.
You may also be planning to go back to work by this time. Look for a good baby sitter or crèche after checking out their reviews and talking to other parents. Initially you will be very anxious to leave your loved little one alone but gradually you and your baby 3 months old will learn to adapt with the new routine and things will get better. Its very normal to feel worried and it just shows your love and concern for your baby.

Important for This Month
- Diaper Rash: This is a very common problem with babies who are kept in diapers for most part of the day. If any moisture is trapped in the creases then it promotes bacterial growth and leads to a diaper rash. It can also happen secondary to a yeast (fungal) infection of the mouth as the yeast travels downwards into the body. The only way to avoid is keep your baby’s private areas clean and dry and apply a diaper rash cream or powder before putting on the diaper.
- Touch and Feel: Your baby’s sense of touch is improving each day and you can encourage it by making him or her feel different textures and surfaces like hair, cotton, cloth etc. There are many stories for 3 month old babies like Pat the Bunny or Mary had a little lamb. You could make him feel the textures in these books. This month on your little one will also want to put everything into his mouth so never leave him unattended with any such objects.
- Immunizations: If you happened to miss the vaccination dates last month, you could give them now by discussing it with your doctor. However you must be careful to avoid getting a shot for your child in the following conditions:
- Fever
- Pre-existing illness like a throat infection or cold.
- Epilepsy
- Non febrile convulsions
- A diagnosed immune deficiency disorder
- If your baby has been given steroids for treatment purpose
- Stimulation: It is very important to expose your little one to sounds and images from a young age. They may not understand fully the meaning but it definitely provides their brains stimulation. One such thing you can do is place a non breakable mirror in your baby’s crib. Recognizing oneself in a mirror is something that kids achieve by two years of age. But at this stage, your baby will just enjoy looking at someone in front of him.
- Thrush: Many babies around this time develop a fungal infection of the mouth called thrush. Its diagnostic feature is the presence of white spots on the inside of the mouth and cheeks. When the baby 3 months old suckles, the infection could pass on to the mother with the nipples getting infected and making feeding difficult and painful. In such cases, usually the mother and the baby need to be treated with anti-fungal medications.
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