How Your Baby is Growing?
Your little one is already two months old and one of the best and most favorite developmental milestones is here – your baby’s smile. Most babies begin their social smile between 1-2 months of age. By two months, they are able to respond back to your talking with a smile and a voice – coos and aahs are now your favorite sounds. They are more aware of their surroundings and can even turn their heads in the direction of the sound. If you are wondering what can my baby 2 months old do, here is all that you need to know! You will notice that your little one loves to move his hands and legs. Activities for a 2 month old baby includes cycling and it is at the top of his list. This active moving of the limbs helps to strengthen their muscles and paves the path to their next baby milestones. The jerky movements of the first few weeks are now transitioned into smoother and more coordinated ones. You should encourage the baby’s movements by putting a blanket on him and see him kick it off. If your little one has a habit of sleeping on one side, he may develop a flat spot on the head. If you observe it, you must try to correct it by supporting the head appropriately.

Baby 2 Months Old – Growth and Development
- Feeding: The tiresome and grueling feeding routine of the early weeks has now eased out as you and your baby are getting better each day. 2 month old baby schedule of feeding is different. Nursing sessions are getting shorter as your baby now suckles better. The increasing size of their little tummy helps to hold the milk for longer periods. So yes, feeding is not so stressful anymore.
- Sleep: Two month old baby sleep pattern will surprise you as they will begin to sleep less with each passing week. By this time, your 2 months old baby will have longer chunks of sleep. If you are lucky, he may even sleep through the night (4-6 hours at a stretch). During the day the baby is more alert and aware of his surroundings. The sleep will be consolidated into 2-4 sets of sleep throughout the day. Your baby still sleeps 14 to 16 hours out of the 24 hours of the day. You can help him sleep better by following a bedtime routine including swaddling.
- Vision: Your baby’s vision is increasing every day and he can now look at your face and even respond to your voice. Your baby 2 months old, can even spot you from across the room.
- Skin: The skin of your baby 2 months old is getting clearer each day and the little baby acne, red bumps and zits are almost gone by now. Many babies have bald spots on their head at this age. It is nothing to worry about and the hair will grow back.
How is Your Life Changing?
By two months, you are beginning to feel like your old self again and your body has coped up well with the sleep deprivation. Your hormones are settling down and sex could be on your mind once again. This is a good time to choose the contraceptive measure you would like to use unless you do not mind having a sibling for your little one so close in age.
You may also be thinking about going back to work by the end of the third month and it is time to check out daycare centers and crèches for your baby. Talk to other moms who are in the same situation as yours and visit a few places at different times of the day to get an idea about their way of working. You could also look at the option of a baby sitter or nanny. This option is better if you have parents in the house who could supervise the nanny. Pay attention to the way they interact with your baby 2 months old. Also there will be many friends and relatives giving you advice on the go. Do not get nervous and worried as you are not bound to follow every piece of advice. Trust your instincts and your doctor’s advice.

Important for This Month
- Tummy Time: By the second month, your 2 month old baby’s neck muscles are getting stronger and he tries to hold his neck when held upright. This is the time to give your baby some supervised tummy time. At this stage they should always be kept under supervision and should never be left alone. You should keep the baby on his tummy everyday for few minutes but not immediately after a feed as they can throw up milk.
- Vaccinations: At 6-8 weeks of age, that is between the first and second month your baby will have to be administered to the given vaccines. Following are the 2 month old baby shots:
- DPT- Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
- Polio (oral or injectable polio vaccine depending on the schedule followed by your doctor)
- Hepatitis B
- Hib to protect against meningitis
- Pneumococcal to protect against bacterial infections and meningitis
- Rotavirus which is an oral vaccine and protects against severe diarrhea diseases.
2 month baby weight, height, head circumference are some of the basic parameters that your doctor will check during the vaccination visit. He will also inquire about the feeding and urine output of the baby. Some common conditions that you can expect around this time are cradle cap, baby acne, thrush and diaper rashes. You must discuss about these with your doctor.
- Birth Control: With two months gone, your body is gradually getting back to normal. This happens faster in case you have had a normal delivery. C section scars make the recovery process longer for mothers. This is the right time to talk to your doctor about birth control and contraceptive options. Lactation does lead to amenorrhea for the first six months and is considered as a natural contraceptive but it does not provide 100% protection. Barrier method or use of condoms is the safest option as it does not interfere with your breast feeding. However you could discuss the other options available with your doctor.
- Reading to Your Baby: Your baby 2 months old has begun to recognize and respond to your voice by now so it is a nice time to start reading to him. He will not understand all that you say, but talking to him will help to understand the way to communicate and improve baby mental development. Singing and enacting will help to catch his attention much better. Sound toys for 2 month old are also a good purchase idea this month.
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